Potter Syndrome or Potters Sequence
Bilateral Renal Agenesis may sometimes be referred to as Potter Syndrome or Potters Sequence.
Potter Syndrome was first termed in 1946 by Dr Edith Potter, who while researching perinatal pathology, noted that babies diagnosed with bilateral renal agenesis regularly had similar facial characteristics. These included eyes which were widely separated, a broad nasal bridge, ears which sat lower than normal and a receding chin.
However she also observed the same facial characteristic in babies who were born with polycystic kidney disease, renal hypoplasia or obstructive uropathy. The common finding in all these conditions is olighydramnios.
Olighydramnios is when amniotic fluid is much lower than expected.
Potter Sequence is sometimes a more preferred term since not every baby diagnosed with Potter Syndrome has the exact same facial characteristics, or the same diagnosis therefore linking all under one name may cause confusion.
Infantile Polycystic Kidney Disease
A genetic fault which disrupts the normal development of the kidneys and liver. The development and growth of the small tubules found in the kidney are affected resulting in bulges and cysts developing. These cysts will eventually cause the kidneys to become enlarged and scarred thus reducing kidney function. Source: www.nhs.uk
Renal Hypoplasia
Renal Hypoplasia is when the kidneys are not fully developed usually resulting in them being much smaller in size therefore reducing kidney output. This is usually diagnosed at the 20 week anomaly scan and it survivable. Source: www.infokid.org.uk/renalhypoplasia
Obstructive Uropathy
Obstructive uropathy is when there is an obstruction in the flow of urine. This can happen anywhere throughout the renal system and can affect either one or both of the kidneys. Source: bestpractice.bmj.com